Pokemon World Australia

PRE ORDER 2023 Hit Parade Gaming Bump in the Night Edition Series 2 Hobby Box

$139 $169

2023 Hit Parade Gaming Bump in the Night Edition Series 2 Hobby Box

Made for those who can't get enough of spooky season, Hit Parade presents Bump in the Night Series 2!

Every box contains one (1) graded Pokemon card featuring only spooky Pokemon - Bugs, psychics, bats, ghosts, poison types, dark types and more spooky Pokemon!

Only 100 hand numbered boxes produced!

2023 Hit Parade Bump in the Night Edition Series 2 is headlined by:

* Evolving Skies Umbreon VMax Alt Art CGC 9.5
* Fusion Strike Gengar VMax Alt Art PSA 10
* Topps Chrome Mewtwo PSA 10

This product is packed with spooky critters, with cards coming from all over the history of the TCG, as well as Topps and Carddass!

Look for these critters in this Hit Parade product:

* Abra
* Alakazam
* Charizard
* Dark Magcargo
* Dark Octillery
* Dark Wigglytuff
* Deoxys
* Drowzee
* Ekans
* Exeggcute
* Exeggutor
* Feraligatr
* Forretress
* Gastly
* Gengar
* Girafarig
* Golbat
* Golem
* Grimer
* Haunter
* Houndour
* Houndour
* Kadabra
* Kakuna
* Koffing
* Larvitar
* Mew
* Mewtwo
* Misdreavus
* Mr. Mime
* Murkrow
* Natu
* Nidoking
* Omanyte
* Pineco
* Pinsir
* Pupitar
* Raticate
* Rattata
* Scyther
* Shiftry
* Sneasel
* Spinarak
* Tyranitar
* Umbreon
* Weedle
* Wobbuffet
* Xatu
* Zoroark
* Zubat

Every card in Hit Parade is graded by only the most credible companies in the collectibles industry. Every card in this run is graded by CGC or PSA!


About Hit Parade

Hit Parade is the 3x winner of the Industry Summit's Repack Brand of the Year in 2020, 2021 & 2022! They have a team of 30+ full time employees that buy, build and manufacture real sealed Sports Card, Memorabilia, Comic, Sneaker, Toy & Entertainment products that are loaded with valuable and unique hits in every series. With only 50 or 100 boxes per series, Hit Parade gives you the best chance to get monster hits! Nobody has more HITS than Hit Parade!

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